On Wednesday June, 8th at Fondazione Sant’Angelo di Loverciano we have been celebrating together 10 years of growth, commitment and working side by side. Because it is people who make the difference! Thanks to all our staff and great team.
Watch the video of the istitutional event HERE !
The celebration of the 10-year anniversary of Medacta for Life Foundation (2011-2021) underlines the great journey behind an important milestone! Over the years, the Foundation has spent time, resources and energy to promote and implement socially beneficial projects at local, national and global levels through financial support and the transfer of knowledge and expertise. The initiatives of the Medacta for Life Foundation can be grouped into three major areas:
My Mission – for the support of medical missions and humanitarian initiatives worldwide, in cooperation with Medacta Int. SA;
My Giving – for participation in almost 50 social projects dedicated to the protection and care of children and young people, services for the elderly, scientific research, sport, art and culture, mainly in the local area;
My School Ticino – the Foundation’s main project for the development of the younger generation and support for parenting that nowadays counts almost 170 pupils, in addition to more than 100 students enrolled in the language school and a dedicated team of over 80 people.
Leading the Foundation with passion and experience is Maria Luisa Siccardi Tonolli, Member of the Board of the Directors, dedicated to Group Corporate Sustainability, Vice President and Member of Medacta For Life Foundation.

Maria Luisa Siccardi Tonolli

Institutional speech

Maria Luisa with the management of My School Ticino, from left: Valentina Impedovo, Silvia Troilo, Erika Zecchi, Elisabetta Masini, Elisabetta Mohwinckel