Dear Friends and Families
In accordance with the latest information received from the aid forces on the spot, we are revising the list of goods we are collecting for the population affected by the conflict. Several convoys have been sent back, and we are now asking for aid to be rationalised as much as possible. Only essential goods are being collected, such as:
– Long-life food
– Medicines and essential hygiene products (gauze, plasters, disinfectants, soaps, creams, sanitary towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste etc)
– Products for early infancy – approximately 0-3 years (nappies, specific creams and soaps, baby medicines, underwear, warm and comfortable clothing)
– Medicines, personal hygiene products and clothing for children (0-12)
– Cash donations, which are used by the responsible persons on site in a targeted way
Please pack carefully and securely what you wish to bring to the collection point and sort by gender as indicated above.
As indicated, the collection started on Monday, 7 March, and runs from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – at the warehouse of the Medacta building in Rancate:
Reception of goods at the warehouse in the intermediate square, via Alla Rossa 6 – 6862 Rancate.
We would like to remind you of the IBAN that can be used for donations – Account in the name of Fondazione Medacta For Life, Reason for payment: Ukraine emergency
– CHF IBAN: CH 22 0866 7007 2547 1100 2
– EURO IBAN: CH97 0866 7007 2547 1101 0 BIC: EFGBCHZZ
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 091 / 682 99 60
Help us to help others.