For its 120th anniversary, a group of friends close to the diocese and the city Church Youth Club decide to found the Associazione Amici dell’Oratorio di Lugano (Friends of Lugano’s Church Youth Club), currently led by Father Emanuele Di Marco. It’s 2022 and the outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict is the decisive factor driving the initiative: the Association’s main goal was to provide social support and Italian language lessons to the first refugees as they came to Lugano.
The purpose of the Association was then expanded by channelling the several already existing activities conducted by the Church Youth Club, while shaping it as an independent entity from the diocese of Lugano. The Association supports the people involved in the organisation and realisation of the numerous initiatives for young people and the population, overall in the area. The collaboration with local institutions makes it possible to organise inclusion and integration activities, including new social and educational projects involving young people.
The aim of the Association is to support the Church Youth Club’s several activities, such as:
- Educational projects;
- Recreational projects;
- Publications to foster cultural and Christian growth.
The Association also ensures the maintenance and constant improvement of the facility.
Projects summary to date:
- Italian courses for Ukrainian refugees and pre-school children held by the MC-MC and Seed Organisations, operating in Lugano for years and recognised at cantonal level.
- Training courses for immigrant women and their children to enhance their integration into the city network: admission to kindergarten for younger children, knowledge of the city, its services and its surroundings, socialisation, etc.
- Recreational activities for young people and children (Cinema-pizza nights, Night of Tales, Youth Night, summer camp, etc.)
- Courses on substance abuse among young people, with the support of Local Police in favour of both parents and young people
- Conferences on nutrition, learning disorders etc…
Another project is in the pipeline! The Sportello Amico (Social Services Hotline): a service that comprehensively maps active support organisations in the area and consecutively direct users’ requests towards the most suitable service, facilitating the process.
For more info: Home | Associazione Amici dell’Oratorio (amicioratorio.ch)