Medacta for Life Foundation and My School Ticino will once again this year provide continuity to the project conceived to offer a Christmas present to the children guests of the CEMs – Juvenile Education Centres- in the Canton of Ticino. Centri Educativi per Minorenni (CEM) – DASF (DSS) – Republic and Canton Ticino
Goal of the Christmas fundraising
For several years now, Medacta for Life Foundation and My School Ticino have been activating an important charity work in December in favour of the CEMs. The CEMs are sheltered facilities, open 365 days a year 24 hours a day, which take in children and young people for whom temporary removal from their family environment is necessary due to problems of a social, educational and/or psychological nature. In Ticino itself, the CEMs host more than 350 minors between the ages of 0 and 18 (figure for 2023), more than 200 of whom are in residential care. In addition, 185 unaccompanied migrant minors as applicants for asylum are currently present in the Red Cross Migration Centres in Ticino.
To all these children and young people we want to send a gift for the Christmas season, a thought to support them during the coming festivities. Until last year, for this charity collection and in cooperation with ATFA, we promoted the initiative of the Solidarity Boxes. This year, according to the indications of the heads of the CEMs, in order to better meet the needs of the young people and children, we will realise, a monetary collection that we will donate to the facilities according to the number of guests. The direct managers of each centre will allocate the funds received to the purchase of particular goods, needed either by the individual guest or by the facility: a doll, a warm garment, books for reading, board games or a table football or ping-pong table to share in the common room.
Should the fundraising be particularly successful, we would like to allocate part of the proceeds to the SAE (Sostegno e Accompagnamento Educativo), which assists often very needy families with minors in Ticino.
How to participate
- Fundraising is active as of now via telematic means: Twint, Paypal or bank transfer. Reason for payment: Christmas for every child. Here are the direct links: Donate now
- Please note that any amount donated to charity is tax deductible by means of a certificate that we can issue upon request.
Please contact us by e-mail or phone for questions, info or details at the following contacts:
+41795791605 –
We would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that Medacta for Life Foundation, in addition to its main project, namely My School Ticino, carries out various social and charitable initiatives, mostly aimed at supporting the needs of children, especially in Ticino: My School Ticino scholarships, the Territorial Education project in Chiasso and Mendrisio with the Associazione Contatto, Punto d’Incontro in collaboration with ATFA, and many others.
Any donation you wish to make can be linked to a specific project or remain generic, and each one is very much appreciated!
All proceeds are donated to the projects themselves.
For any information and to request donation certificates (for tax deductibility), please write to
We are counting on each and every one of you to help us! DONATE NOW