Dear Friends of the Medacta for Life Foundation,
Dear Families of My School Ticino,
For the second year running and with great joy we would like to share the success of the Christmas 2021 Box Solidali initiative with you. Thanks to the heartfelt and generous support of so many of you, the Fondazione Medacta for Life in collaboration with ATFA – Associazione Ticinese Famiglie Affidatarie was able to reach 327 minors with a special gift.
Of these, 267 are children and young people living in foster care facilities in Ticino (CEM, Centri Educativi per Minorenni), 60 are children of migrant families in the care of the Red Cross.
We collected 118 Christmas parcels for children aged between 0 and 10 years. Once we had reached the children under 10 years of age in the EMCs, 60 extra parcels were assigned to the Red Cross Migration Centres, that distributed them to the youngest children of migrant families.
The donations received – for a total of almost 11’400.- Chf- allowed us to purchase Bonus Cards that can be used in Manor Shopping Centres. On the recommendation of the CEM managers, 209 Cards with a value of 40.- Chf each were donated to children aged 11-18. The surplus resulting from the generosity of the donations collected will be allocated to other projects in the area,once again in favour of disadvantaged children and children in delicate situations.
Projects and associations that we support can be viewed here
In thanking you for the wonderful gesture of solidarity towards those who are most vulnerable, we once again wish you all the best for a New Year of hope, love and health.
Maria Luisa Siccardi Tonolli
Vice President Medacta For Life Foundation